Build a New Internet.Together.
Trustworthy. Open. Fair. Created by the Pakt Community.For pioneers like you. One Chainsite at a time.
Web3 trailblazers can easily snap together Chainsites, websites supercharged by blockchainified trust, with Pakt’s intuitive OS for On-Chain Connection.

Afro.Fund is built on Pakt to connect African Tech Talent to Global Opportunity.
Chainsite Building Blocks
Mix and match Web3 components created by the Pakt community into on-chain markets, social playgrounds, or content expression sites.

Smart Contract Tool
Securely commit valuable agreements to the blockchain with just a few clicks.

Dynamic Profiles
Self-managed profiles serve as digital resumes,
auto-updating based on platform activity.

Escrow Wallets
Payments are held non-custodially, releasing only when their smart contract executes, ensuring safety and swift delivery.

Pakt's community earns by innovating together. Builders get paid each time their Chainsite, Template, or Module generates value.

Pakt's Command Center simplifies launching, managing, and optimizing Chainsites.
Seamlessly integrate Chainsite Templates, Modules, and services built by the Pakt community or your favorite AI.

Spin up your On-Chain website in minutes

Command Center
Manage your Chainsite to optimize your business

Paknet APIs
Build atop Pakt or convert existing websites into Chainsites